OMG I forgot

I forgot to show you my cool new project bag! I saw it on Moogly and realized I had everything I needed to make one. It was quick to make too. I used some extra yarn laying around, some cute spoopy buttons I’ve had forever, and some plastic canvas.

TBH, I made one side’s canvas too small, the other too big, lol. But it works! I love using it and I get lots of comments on it, especially from kiddos. It’s fun showing people what tatting is. AND that it’s not just “for grandmas”. Spooky people like tatting too!

Wait…where did I put that flamingo cup? I love that lil cup…
first page
second page, before pockets, see the canvas under there?
figuring out where those packets will go and making sure they’ll hold they’re respective items
ta-da! before construction
I laid out where everything was supposed to go, so I could reference this pic when I sewed everything on. I thought it would take awhile with all those buttons but it went quick! (btw-WIP instead of RIP, get it? Work In Progress? Very few people get it. oh well)
Finished construction! The edging looks a little messy to me, but it’s because of the uneven plastic canvas. I don’t mind it; I love the fall colors.
Isn’t it cute?? That big pocket will fit a small notebook too. (Right now it’s crammed with the pattern and remaining colors of thread.)

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