From the Trenches, sort of
My youngest got pretty sick over the weekend, hence the late post. Inevitably, I’m sick today. It’s not so bad, but since my job involves mucho driving, I called in. That’s rare. Anyway, little guy is doing much better and I’m camped out in his room with him. We have snacks! Bananas and banana bread.…
Week 12/13 WIPs and other wonderful things
The weather is full on not-winter! It should be 83 degrees today with a 5pmh breeze and clear skies. YASS! Busy busy as usual, but the beautiful weather helps a lot especially now that everything is turning bright green and the flowers are coming out. The boys and I headed to the zoo today with…
Weekly WIP: Week 7/8
I double checked that, I think this is the 8th week. (I don’t really care, but I do a little.) I was going to name this post “Sick & Tired”, but I’m neither anymore, or at least not near as sick and tired as I was a week ago. I caught a head cold mid…
Every year I think about all the things I’m happy and thankful for, and try to keep in mind I should keep doing those things next year, since they worked. I also try to think of one or two things to do for the next year to make things easier or generally better for myself.…
100 Days
So the kids had a project to make at home that represents the first 100 days they’ve been in school. It’s super cute. We worked all week to find 10 groups of 10 things “around the house” for it and it was a lot of fun. This makes me happy. :-)